Sunday, October 9, 2016

The Transport Guy: 4 reasons why you should choose iPhone over Android (GOOG, AAPL)

Steve Kovach October 09, 2016 at 07:18AM

apple store france iphone 6s

By now, high-end Android phones are largely just as good as the iPhone.

But there are still some key reasons to choose the iPhone over Android if you're having trouble deciding.

Here's why you should pick the iPhone over Android phones:

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Guaranteed software updates for years.

iOS is the only platform that guarantees you'll get software updates with new features throughout the life of your device. In fact, Apple supports old iPhones long after most people stop using them. For example, the latest iOS 10 even works on the iPhone 5, which launched four years ago.

Android phones rarely get that kind of support. Many manufacturers stop issuing Android updates after a year or so, if you're lucky. That means you're likely to miss the latest and greatest features that come to Android each year.

The best apps, first.

Both iPhone and Android have a robust selection of apps, but iPhone still tends to get the best apps first.

Developers tend to make more money from the iPhone, which is why it often gets preference over Android.

The latest example? Nintendo's first Mario game, "Super Mario Run," will be an iPhone exclusive when it launches later this year.

No "crapware" from your wireless carrier.

Carriers have a lot of control over what appears on Android phones, and they use that leverage to stuff the devices full of apps and services you don't need. Even worse, those apps are often impossible to delete from your device.

The iPhone never comes with carrier crapware. The software is exactly the same no matter which carrier you buy your iPhone from.

See the rest of the story at Business Insider

4 reasons why you should choose iPhone over Android (GOOG, AAPL) from Business Insider: Steve Kovach

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