Tuesday, October 18, 2016

The Transport Guy: 7 reasons why the Google Pixel is the best Android phone

Steve Kovach October 18, 2016 at 10:07AM

Google Pixel

The new Google Pixel isn't just another Android phone. It's the best Android phone you can buy.

That's because the Pixel has a lot of advantages you won't find in any other phone.

Here are the most important unique features in the Pixel.

SEE ALSO: The Google Pixel review

It has Google Assistant.

Google Assistant, the new digital helper from Google, is simply incredible. We don't have time to list everything it can do, but just know that it puts Siri and the other competitors to shame.

For now, the Pixel phone is the only Android phone with Google Assistant.

You get Android updates as soon as they're ready.

Android phones seldom get timely updates. That's because manufacturers like Samsung need to take time and modify each new version of Android with their own extra software. It's not unusual to wait a year or longer for new version of Android on most Android phones.

The Pixel is different. It's the only Android phone that's guaranteed to get new updates from Google as soon as they're available. That's huge.

There's built-in customer service.

The Pixel comes with an app that lets you chat with a customer support agent 24/7. It even lets you share your screen with them so they can guide you along and help troubleshoot your problems.

See the rest of the story at Business Insider

7 reasons why the Google Pixel is the best Android phone from Business Insider: Steve Kovach

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